Leasing Requests


The information below explains Carriage Mill Homeowner Association’s lease approval procedure. Please note that there is a rental cap in place that limits the amount of properties within the community that may be rented at any given time. If the community has already reached its capacity for rentals, Homeowners who apply may be placed on a waiting list. All forms required for this process have been provided below.

Homeowners MUST complete and return the Request for Permission to Lease to the Association for consideration prior to any advertising your property for lease.  Homeowners with rentals currently in place must notify the Association immediately upon issuing a notice of termination, either due to eviction or non-renewal as well as when the tenant’s current lease is coming to an end and tenant wishes to renew. At that time, a new request for permission to lease MUST be submitted to be reconsidered for permission to lease property, which is based on the current rental cap status.

Once a Homeowner has been approved for leasing they must complete and provide all NEW TENANT(s) documents prior to any occupancy, so that the Association may review for final approval.

Homeowner must be and remain in good standing in all aspects with the Association to remain eligible for leasing their property.

Criminal Background Checks must be performed on each individual over the age of 18 years who will reside at said property for a period of more than 2 weeks. This will be at the cost of the Owner and is not reimbursable by the Association. The written clearance results must be presented to the Association along with completed lease agreement packet submission. The Association must review and acknowledge acceptance prior to tenant occupancy.

Homeowner will continue to be responsible annual dues payment and any special assessments should there be any and will be billed annually for the required Association Dues, payable each January.

New tenants must receive a copy of the Carriage Mill Handbook and complete the acknowledgement form completely confirming that they received and agree to adhere to the Association Rules and Regulations, which is required to be provided to the Association prior to tenant occupying property.

Homeowner may obtain a hard copy of the Handbook should it be needed by submitting a request via e-mail to the Association, there is a small fee associated with the request as noted on the form.

New tenants interested in any type of satellite dish service shall complete the satellite request form and forward it via e-mail to the Association, prior to installation, for approval and installation requirements. A satellite acknowledgement form must also be completed as proof of acknowledgment that tenant was informed of this fact prior to tenant occupying property.

New tenants must complete the Tenant Registration Form and return this completed form to the Association prior to tenant occupying property.

The Association requires Property Owner’s current contact information to be provided on the tenant registration form and the contact information for the Property Owner(s)/Owner Representative and Tenant(s) MUST be kept up-to-date during the term of the lease agreement.

All Lease Agreements MUST include the completed forms relevant to your request when submitting for Association approval:

Request for Permission to Lease

HOA Handbook Acknowledgement

R&R Tenant Acknowledgement

Tenant Registration Form

Satellite Dish Request

Satellite Dish Acknowledgement

Request for Resale and/or Additional copies of Handbook

If any of the above forms are not submitted executed and within a timely manner, your request for approval will be rejected. This may result in prolonged time in securing approval which also delays the time in which your tenant is allowed to take occupancy.

Please feel free to contact the Association via email (carriagemillhoa@gmail.com) should you have any questions regarding the Association’s Lease Procedures and/or Lease Restrictions. 

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